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Last Updated : March 26, 2021, 7:10 p.m.

With an aim to modernise the management of land records, minimise the disputes on the property and increase transparency in record maintenance Government of India had launched the National Land Records Modernisation Programme (NLRMP) in August 2008. This scheme was launched with the aim to digitise the land records hence later on it got amalgamated in Computerisation of Land Records (CLR), which is hence now known as the Digital India Land Record Modernisation Programme (DILRMP). The programme directs all state governments to formulate policies and bodies to facilitate DILRMP.

Aim of Jharbhoomi

With the DILRMP in mind, Jharkhand’s revenue department launched its portal called Jharbhoomi. As the name suggests, it is a portal to fetch details about land (Bhoomi in Hindi) that falls under the State government of Jharkhand. The Revenue department has launched the portal on the web and you can visit the official website of Jharbhoomi. Also, the services are available through the App available on Google App Store.

Services available under Jharbhoomi

To bring ease to the people of Jharkhand and enhance transparency in record-keeping & reduce the property-related disputes, the Jharbhoomi enables its users with services including –

  • Land Record Details
  • Revenue and registry records
  • Land Transfer
  • Revenue Update
  • Record of Change of ownership of a land parcel
  • Tax Payment (Lagan Payment)
  • Mutation Documents

To avail of any above services on the website or App, you need to register first on the website.

Tax Payment Online

The portal created by the revenue department of Jharkhand has powered the online tax payment for the property owners in the state. You can not only pay the current tax but also view and pay the previous pending taxes. The portal also enables its users to view the previously paid tax. The process to view and execute these is simple –

  1. Log on to the website official website of Jharbhoomi.
  2. Browse through the website and click on Online Lagan
  3. Multiple options will reflect there – View Outstanding amount (Bakaya Dekhein), View Previously paid amount (Pichli bhugtaan dekhein), Pay Online (online bhugtaan karien), View Status of Payment (Bhugtaan ki sthiti dekhein).
  4. Select “Pay Online” for making the payment
  5. Enter the details of the property for which tax is to be paid including the District, Halka, Anchal and Mauja names.
  6. Enter the captcha as shown on the screen and proceed
  7. You will be able to view the amount to be paid
  8. It will redirect you using the secured payment gateway to proceed with payment
  9. Payment through cards is easily available on the website

To access all other features relating to Lagan (Tax), the same details of the property are to be added first.

Filling Complaint on Jharbhoomi

The portal launched by the Revenue department also takes the Grievances of the citizens online. It allows users to register and brief about the grievance.

Earlier the website also provided the facility to view the status of cases pending at the Revenue Department. However, the feature now has migrated to a new website altogether.

Online Application Submission

Apart from paying taxes or filing a complaint with the department, you can also apply for Mutation, correction of mutation (DCLR Process), and land demarcation

DCLR Process: Once the mutation is generated for a property, if there is any issue regarding Correction of name, Rejection cases and Correction-slip cases will be processed under the DCLR Process. The procedure to apply is simple. Register yourself or login using the Login ID and password generated. Once the login is done, search for the mutation. Click on “Apply Appeal” for getting the correction done. You would be requested to fill the form with details. Once the form is filled a Mutation Apply Appeal number is generated which you should note down with yourself. This would help in tracking the status of the process.


In an attempt to ease out the formalities for the users and bring transparency in record keeping the portal is launched. The State Government is taking its best endeavours to enhance the user experience and reduce travelling towards the various government offices for the tasks relating to the property.

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