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4 top-performing SBI hybrid funds in India

4 top-performing SBI hybrid funds in India

Last Updated : Sept. 4, 2019, 4:55 p.m.

The people already know about the hybrid funds, for a quick brief it is an investment in which the investor’s money is invested in diverse instruments, whether it is the stock, bond, and debentures. There are many asset management companies (AMCs) offering hybrid funds, which are a type of mutual fund. SBI Asset Management Company is one of them.

SBI hybrid-funds


1-year return

3-year return

5-year return

10-year return

SBI Equity Hybrid Fund

4 stars





SBI Debt Hybrid Fund

3 stars





SBI Multi-Asset Allocation Fund






SBI Arbitrage Opportunities Fund

3 stars





As mentioned in the table above, SBI hybrid funds are better for both short and long term investment. There are mainly four types of SBI hybrid funds such as

SBI equity hybrid-fund

In SBI equity hybrid fund, the investor should go for a long term investment because as it is focusing mainly on the high return. This will help an entrepreneur and other business companies.

It carries higher risks as a large amount of money gets invested in stocks/shares by the fund manager. The remaining amount would be invested in debts or bonds.

SBI debt hybrid-fund

This hybrid fund is mainly for small investments and the money is primarily invested in debts, government debentures or bonds.

It does not have higher risks and is a safer option for newcomers or beginners. The return rates may be low but it is beneficial for those who can take less risks on investments.

SBI multi-asset hybrid fund

It is the combination of the asset as the SBI multi-asset hybrid fund invests in multiple instruments to reduce the risks. It also provides valuable returns for both long term and short term investment.

The invested money is distributed across bonds, stocks, debts, cash, share, etc. It is more diversified compared to other hybrid funds.

SBI Arbitrage opportunities fund

The main objective of the SBI arbitrage opportunities fund is to increase capital appreciation and regular income by focusing on profitable arbitrage opportunities in the market. 85% of the money is invested in equity related instruments and the rest 15% in debts or bonds.

Invest online in SBI hybrid funds

The current era of the internet makes it easy for the user to know about SBI mutual funds. Wishfin is an online financial marketplace that helps customers to resolve the queries related to funds. At Wishfin, we help in choosing the right mutual fund scheme for the customers according to their needs.

The user just needs to follow these simple steps.

  • Go to
  • Click on ‘Mutual Funds’.
  • Go to ‘Register’.
  • Enter your Mobile Number
  • Click on ‘Get started’.
  • Mention your name, email id, and city you currently live in.
  • Create a password taking a cue from the instructions shown on the page.

Your account will be created after entering a few more details.

After Login into the Account:

  • Go to ‘Explore Mutual Funds’
  • Click on the ‘Hybrid’ option.
  • A list of hybrid funds with different ratings, denoted with stars, will come on the screen.
  • Click on ‘Invest’ below any of the top-notch hybrid mutual fund schemes you like to invest in.

Note: The given data is from value research as on August 30, 2019.

Disclaimer – “Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read the scheme document carefully before investing”.

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