
How to Earn Money Online in India

How to Earn Money Online in India

Last Updated : Dec. 31, 2021, 2:49 p.m.

Looking at the current scenario, the internet is currently dominating the world and influencing our lives in such a way that most of us are looking for ways to earn money online in India. Be it full time or apart from your regular jobs there are numerous other ways through which you can make money online. With work from home being the new normal, people just need an internet connection to earn money online from the comfort of their homes. India still has a majority of people who work 9 to 6 to earn their bread and butter. Whereas, on the other hand a lot of people are making money online through numerous ways. However, you need to have adequate knowledge about the field in which you want to make money online in India.

Make Money Online in India

Although there are various ways to earn money online in India, but you shall have adequate knowledge in order to make money. The various ways in which you can earn money online in India are as follows:


Freelancing is one of the easiest ways to earn money online in India. Nor matter what your industry of work is, you can take up freelance projects to make some extra money. One of the easiest ways to make money is to do freelance work, be it copywriting, translation, graphic designing, video editing, app development or marketing. There are many websites, both Indian and international, which offer teens the opportunity to get paid for their skills. These include Chegg India, Freelance India, Freelancer, Upwork, Fiverr, among others. There are some websites like Upwork and Freelancer that offer various types of projects from multiple fields. You can choose your own field and start earning online. Let’s move on to the ways that can help you to make money online. You can choose your own field and start earning online.


Blogging refers to either making your own website and writing content on it or you can post your content on third party websites that offer some money for your content. If you love travelling and travel a lot then you can share your travelling experience through blogging. Similarly, if you are a foodie then you can share your reviews of various restaurants and their food products. To make money through blogging you can follow the following steps:

  • Make your own website
  • Start publishing your content on your website.
  • When your website starts ranking, you can apply for the Google AdSense Account.
  • Once you create an AdSense account, Google will display ads on your website and will pay you in return.
  • You can also charge a monthly fee to publish referral links of other websites. 
  • You can also earn money by promoting other brands on your website.


Vlogging sounds similar to blogging but the only difference between the two is that blogging refers to writing content. Whereas vlogging means video blogging which displays all the content in a video format. You can start giving out video tutorials of anything that you have an expertise in. YouTube is one big platform for all the vloggers. Once you have a certain amount of subscribers on your Youtube channel along with a number of watchtime hours. Youtube would monetize your channel and you can earn money by posting videos on your Youtube channel.

Social Media Influencing

Influencing people through social media is being popular nowadays. You just need to have the ability and confidence to influence people that people would visit your channel and would like your content. Instagram is a common platform for influencers to make money. The trending thing over Instagram is the new reels feature where you can post short videos about anything. If your channel has a large number of followers then brands approach you to promote them. You can charge money from them to promote their products through your Instagram channel. 

Similarly, you can sell various products using your Instagram or facebook account.

Food Delivery Applications

Another way to earn money online in India is through the common food delivery apps. If you have a passion for cooking or if you are good at baking. Then you can register yourself on common food delivery apps like Swiggy or Zomato and start delivering food. You just need to sign up on these applications and prepare food for the various orders that you will receive through these applications. These apps charge a small portion of money as their commission but it is also one of the popular ways to make money online.

Stock Market

This method involves some risk so only if you have the adequate knowledge about the market, then only you should invest in it. However, if you have knowledge about the market then you can make ample amounts of money through the stock market. To begin with, you must have a Demat account that enables you to trade into the market. You can open a Demat account online from the comfort of your home. Once you have your Demat account then you shall have strong research skills to speculate the price of a stock. Once you begin to understand the pattern of shares, you can make a lot of money online in India through the stock market.

Crypto Currency

Like the stock market, the crypto currency is another market where you can invest your money and earn some returns. Similarly, like the stock market you should have proper knowledge about the currencies and you can make a lot of money. As the crypto market is not being governed by any authority, you can begin trading in the crypto market by just signing up on various trading applications. There are a lot of currencies that you can trade in to earn money online.


These are the various ways through which you can earn money online in India. However, to earn money through any of the ways you should have a proper knowledge about that particular method. Because if you are an expert in any field, you can earn money online by showing your expertise over the internet. Therefore, you can make a lot of money online in India through any of the above methods.

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