Income Tax

Smart Strategies: How to Save Tax on Salary Above 20 Lakhs?

Smart Strategies: How to Save Tax on Salary Above 20 Lakhs?

Last Updated : March 14, 2023, 1:14 p.m.

Are you earning an income of more than Rs. 20 lakhs? If yes, then you are liable to pay taxes as per the Income Tax Act, of 1961. However, there are ways to save on tax and optimize your income for a better financial future. In this blog post, we will discuss the various methods that can be used to effectively save tax for salaries above Rs. 20 lakhs in India. Read on to find out how you can reduce your taxable amount and maximize your savings!

If your salary is above 20 lakhs, then you are likely in the highest tax bracket in India, which means that you may have to pay a significant amount of tax. However, there are several legitimate ways to save tax even if your salary is above 20 lakhs.

Here are some tips on how to save tax

Buy health insurance

Health insurance is a great way for those with a salary above 20 lakhs to save on their taxes. It can provide them with the financial protection they need in case of an illness or injury while allowing them to reduce their tax liability. With health insurance, individuals have access to quality health care and treatment which may be expensive otherwise; this not only provides peace of mind but also saves money due to lower out-of-pocket expenses incurred during medical treatments. Moreover, various government initiatives such as the Ayushman Bharat Yojana offer free preventive healthcare services along with cashless hospitalization benefits of up to 5 Lakh rupees annually per family – making it easy and affordable for high-income earners to safeguard themselves against any unexpected medical emergency without breaking the bank. Furthermore, several additional tax deductions are available under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act 1961 when one buys a health insurance policy – thus helping people maximise savings from taxes by investing in good coverage plans that suit individual needs best.

Claim deductions for a home loan

Claiming deductions for home loans can be a great answer to your question on how to save on taxes if your salary is above 20 lakhs. This deduction helps taxpayers reduce their taxable income and thus, the amount of tax they pay each year. Under section 24 of the Income Tax Act, individuals who own residential properties and have taken a home loan from any financial institution are eligible for this benefit. The maximum deduction limit allowed here is Rs 2 Lakhs per fiscal year against interest payments made towards repayment of the principal amount borrowed in that particular period. In addition to this, an additional deduction of up to 1 Lakh rupees can also be claimed under Section 80 EEA when buying affordable housing property – provided certain conditions are met such as not owning more than one house property at the same time or already claiming benefits under other sections like 30(b) or 24 (b). Furthermore, it should be noted that these amounts need to be paid through cheque/debit card/credit card only in order for them to qualify as eligible expenses; cash payment will not count towards availing tax benefits!

Invest in tax-saving instruments

One of the most popular and effective ways on how to save tax is to invest in tax-saving instruments. There are several options available, such as Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Pension System (NPS), Equity-Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS), and tax-saving fixed deposits. You can claim deductions up to a maximum of Rs. 1.5 lakh under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act by investing in these instruments

PPF is a long-term investment option with a maturity period of 15 years. The interest earned and the maturity amount are tax-free. NPS is a pension scheme that allows you to save for your retirement. You can claim a deduction of up to Rs. 1.5 lakh under Section 80C and an additional deduction of up to Rs. 50,000 under Section 80CCD(1B) of the Income Tax Act. ELSS is a mutual fund scheme that invests in equity and has a lock-in period of three years. Tax-saving fixed deposits have a lock-in period of five years and offer a fixed rate of interest.

Maximize your HRA

House Rent Allowance (HRA) is an important component of one’s salary and can be used to maximize tax savings for those whose annual salary exceeds 20 lakhs. HRA helps in reducing taxable income by providing relief from paying taxes on the rent paid. To make optimal use of this benefit, it is important that individuals understand how much they are eligible to receive as HRA and what documents need to be submitted when claiming deductions under Section 10(13A). For example, if you live in Delhi NCR or any other metropolitan city where rents are higher than in other cities then your employer may provide you with a higher allowance which could mean greater tax breaks. Additionally, certain conditions must be fulfilled such as having rented accommodation within a reasonable distance from office premises etc., before availing full benefits given by House Rent Allowance exemption u/s 10(13A). By understanding these requirements and making strategic decisions while filing returns one can easily save a significant amount on their taxes while staying compliant with Indian taxation laws

Invest in NPS

Investing in the National Pension Scheme (NPS) is an effective way to save tax for those earning a salary of more than 20 lakhs annually. NPS offers several attractive tax benefits, such as exemption from capital gains on withdrawal and deduction of up to 10% of one’s income under Section 80C. Additionally, contribution to the employer-sponsored NPS qualifies for additional deductions under Sections 80CCD(1B). This helps individuals reduce their taxable net incomes significantly while they receive a regular pension after retirement. Furthermore, there are no upper limits when it comes to contributions made towards this scheme, providing greater flexibility compared with other investment options available in India. Thus investing in NPS can be beneficial for salaried people who have high incomes and wish to save taxes without compromising on returns or liquidity.


The key takeaway from this post is that there are several strategies available for how to save tax on individuals with a salary above 20 lakhs. These include investing in funds, taking advantage of Section 80C deductions, and making use of the long-term capital gains exemption. It’s important to research these options thoroughly before deciding which ones make sense for your financial goals and situation. With some careful planning, you can know how to save taxes while still achieving your desired level of income. Ultimately, effective tax management is an essential part of securing your financial future.

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