Child Plan

Education Cost to Study in India or Abroad

Education Cost to Study in India or Abroad

Last Updated : March 17, 2017, 12:50 p.m.

Do you want to make your child a doctor, engineer, architect, scientist or astronaut? Let them be whatever they want. Let them be free to learn, grow and develop their skills, chase their dreams and create their own destiny. Every parent has some dreams for their children. They want their children to be professionally successful and a learned person. As a parent, you always want to fulfill the wishes of your children, be it small or big. To make your children realize their dream, you as a parent have to work hard and start planning for their better future.

Your Children's higher education is your priority and foremost responsibility. Every parent and guardian dream that their children will get education from the best school, college and institution. You can compromise on buying a new car, or an expensive item, renovation of your home, but not on your child's education.

So, if you also want to give your child the best education in India or abroad, but don't how much it will cost you, you are at a right place. Read this article further to have an estimation about the cost to study in India or abroad.

Below is the table showing the education cost in India or abroad:

India US UK Australia Canada
Tuition Fee Rs. 3,50,000

Course/Higher Studies Fee Rs. 30,00,000 Rs.3,34,547-Rs.33,45,472
Rs.4,31,947-Rs. 26,61,607
Student Services & Amenities Fee Rs.14,637
Cost of Living Rs.12,23,238
Rs.10,37, 243-Rs.11,68,714
Visa & Other Cost Rs.4,47,600 Rs.33,454
Net tax 3,768

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