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Cash Withdrawal via Credit Cards Kills You Everyday!

Cash Withdrawal via Credit Cards Kills You Everyday!

Last Updated : March 16, 2018, 11:07 a.m.

How many times have you heard people complaining of the troubles caused by utilizing the cash limit offered on their credit card? Many a times, isn’t it? Banks may not tell you the perils of withdrawing cash from credit card at ATMs located in India or elsewhere in the world, as they could look to cash in on your ignorance. But you better avoid doing so and not fall into the lure of cash limit. Let me tell you in one line that cash withdrawal from credit card empties your wallet each day by accruing interest from the very instance. Let’s check out how interest can siphon out your bank balance in a jiffy.

Cash Withdrawal & The Dangers That Come With It

So often people joke by saying, this and that have come to them in dowry post their marriage, obviously expressing the frustration within. Similarly, it can be said that interest comes uninvited with cash withdrawal via credit cards . The interest is calculated from the very first day of withdrawing cash, much unlike a retail purchase where you can avail interest free credit for a period of up to 20-50 days. Cash advance accrues interest at the rate of 3%-3.5% per month, besides incurring a fee at about 2%-3% of the transaction amount, subject to a minimum amount as specified by the lender. Even worse is the fact that taxes are charged over the interest, making it a much more costly affair than you would like.

Scary Calculation of Interest, Fees & Taxes on Cash Advance

It’s better to face the reality than to avoid it. If you have committed the error of using the cash limit of your credit card, you must have felt the pain of soaring interest rates. But those who are immune from the interest charges so far, they better take a note of the calculation to stay away from this bad habit even if they are tempted to.

Example – Pravin Malhotra keeps withdrawing cash amounting ₹10,000 from credit cards every month. Interest on cash advance is charged at 3% per month by the lender. The fee on cash advance is 3% of the transaction amount. Considering his budget, the maximum bill amount he can afford to pay is ₹8,000. Now as we sit in March 2018, let’s check out the charges likely to be borne by Pravin in the entire calendar year.

Month Cash Withdrawal Amount (In ₹) Interest Charges In ₹) Cash Advance Fee In ₹) Tax In ₹) Total Bill Amount on Cash Advance (In ₹) Bill Paid by Pravin (In ₹) Total Outstanding (In ₹)
January 10000 305.75 300 55.04 10660.79 8000 2660.79
February 10000 349.64 300 62.94 13373.37 8000 5373.37
March 10000 470.05 300 84.61 16228.03 8000 8228.03
April 10000 539.35 300 97.08 18678.46 8000 10678.46
May 10000 632.25 300 113.81 21724.52 8000 13724.52
June 10000 701.99 300 126.36 24852.87 8000 16852.87
July 10000 821.04 300 147.79 28121.7 8000 20121.7
August 10000 920.98 300 165.78 31508.46 8000 23508.46
September 10000 991.48 300 178.47 34978.41 8000 26978.41
October 10000 1130.63 300 203.51 38612.55 8000 30612.55
November 10000 1201.69 300 216.3 42330.54 8000 34330.54
December 10000 1355.42 300 243.98 46229.94 8000 38229.94

Summary of Total Interest, Taxes, Fee and Total Bill Amount to be Paid in 2018

Payment Type Amount (In ₹)
Total Interest 9420.78
Total Cash Advance Fee 3600
Total Tax 1695.67
Total Bill to be paid @₹8,000 per month 96000
Total Payout 1,10,716.45

Calculation of Interest

The interest calculated above is according to the formula shown below.

Interest = [(Outstanding Balance x rate of interest per month x 12 x number of days)/365]/100

You can check another table showing the calculation.

Month Interest Calculation
January [(10,000 x 3 x 12 x 31)/365]/100 = 305.75
February [(12,660.79 x 3 x 12 x 28)/365]/100 = 349.64
March [(15,373.37 x 3 x 12 x 31)/365]/100 = 470.05
April [(18,228.03 x 3 x 12 x 30)/365]/100 = 539.35
May [(20,678.46 x 3 x 12 x 31)/365]/100 = 632.25
June [(23,724.52 x 3 x 12 x 31)/365]/100 = 701.99
July [(26,852.87 x 3 x 12 x 31)/365]/100 = 821.04
August [(31,120.70 x 3 x 12 x 31)/365]/100 = 920.98
September [(33,508.46 x 3 x 12 x 31)/365]/100 = 991.48
October [(36,978.41 x 3 x 12 x 31)/365]/100 = 1,130.63
November [(40,612 x 3 x 12 x 31)/365]/100 = 1,201.69
December [(44,330.54 x 3 x 12 x 31)/365]/100 = 1,355.42

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