Royal Bank of Scotland Fixed Deposit
Last Updated : March 11, 2020, 3:53 p.m.
About Royal Bank of Scotland Fixed Deposit
Royal Bank of Scotland fixed deposit is a great way to save money for a period of time if you are looking from the safety point of view along with getting good returns on your investment. Fixed deposit is an ideal option for you. Check the Royal Bank of Scotland fixed deposit interest rates , helping you to make the right kind of decision & that too comes along with the selection of maturity period. Hence, it helps in settling you down with ease as FD’s assure you peace.
Royal Bank of Scotland Fixed Deposit Interest Rates
(w.e.f. 6th March , 2017)
(For Deposits up to INR 1 crore)
Tenor | Rate of Interest |
7 days upto 14 days | 3.00% |
15 days upto 30 days | 4.00% |
31 days upto 60 days | 4.00% |
61 days upto 90 days | 4.00% |
91 days upto 150 days | 4.00% |
151 days upto 187 days | 4.00% |
188 days upto 270 days | 4.00% |
271 days upto 364 days | - |
365 days to less than 2 years | 4.00% |
2 years to less than 3 years | 4.00% |
3 years to less than 4 years | 4.00% |
4 years to less than 5 years | 4.00% |
5 years | 4.00% |
Royal Bank of Scotland Calculator
Royal Bank of Scotland calculator helps you in calculating the interest that your money will generate when employed in a fixed deposit of Royal Bank of Scotland. This will help you in getting the desired result which you are looking for. Royal Bank of Scotland Calculator discloses the principal amount on maturity which you will be getting along with the interest compounded on days or monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly basis. The real figures show you the clear picture of your earnings at the end of your chosen tenure.