UDGAM: Easily find Unclaimed Deposits Across Multiple Banks on one Platform!

UDGAM: Easily find Unclaimed Deposits Across Multiple Banks on one Platform!

Last Updated : Aug. 23, 2023, 3:55 p.m.

In an era of advancing technology and growing financial complexity, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has taken a remarkable step towards enhancing financial transparency and inclusion. The introduction of the UDGAM Portal, an online platform designed to facilitate the retrieval of unclaimed deposits across multiple banks, stands as a testament to the RBI’s commitment to fostering a more inclusive and accessible financial ecosystem.

Unclaimed Deposits: The Hidden Financial Landscape

Unclaimed deposits have long been a concern within the banking sector, representing funds that account holders have lost touch with due to various reasons, including changes in contact information, lost paperwork, or simply a lack of awareness.

These deposits can accumulate over time, creating an unutilized financial reserve that goes untapped. Addressing this issue requires a solution that not only makes it easier for individuals to locate their dormant funds but also raises awareness about the importance of actively managing their financial assets.

The UDGAM Portal: A Beacon of Financial Accessibility

The RBI’s UDGAM Portal, available at udgam.rbi.org.in, emerges as a groundbreaking initiative aimed at simplifying the process of identifying and claiming unclaimed deposits across multiple banks. This online platform acts as a centralized hub, bringing together information from various financial institutions and presenting it in a user-friendly interface.

By offering a single point of access for account holders to explore their potential unclaimed funds, the UDGAM Portal significantly reduces the time and effort required to navigate through multiple banking systems.

Navigating the UDGAM Portal: A Step towards Financial Empowerment

One of the most noteworthy features of the UDGAM Portal is its ease of use. Individuals can register on the platform with minimal hassle, providing essential details such as their name, contact information, and relevant identification. Once registered, users can log in and begin their search for unclaimed deposits.

The portal employs a powerful search mechanism that allows users to input key details, such as their name, account number, or even partial information, to yield accurate results. This user-friendly approach ensures that individuals of varying technological literacy can effortlessly navigate the platform.

Promoting Financial Awareness and Transparency

The introduction of the UDGAM Portal goes beyond simplifying the process of locating unclaimed deposits; it also fosters financial awareness and transparency. By making individuals more conscious of the existence of unclaimed funds, the portal encourages proactive engagement with one’s financial history. This newfound awareness can lead to a more responsible approach to managing accounts and assets, minimizing the likelihood of funds becoming dormant in the first place.

Driving Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion, a cornerstone of economic development, is significantly advanced through the UDGAM Portal. This initiative ensures that individuals from diverse backgrounds and walks of life have equal access to their unclaimed deposits.

The portal’s convenience bridges gaps that might otherwise prevent people from recovering their dormant funds. By bringing unclaimed deposits to the forefront, the RBI demonstrates its commitment to ensuring that financial resources are accessible to all, fostering a more equitable financial landscape.


Unclaimed deposits pose a significant challenge to the financial ecosystem, leading to the erosion of individual wealth and inefficiencies within the banking system. The Reserve Bank of India’s initiatives and guidelines to address this issue demonstrate its commitment to financial stability and consumer protection.

By raising awareness, establishing an online search and claim mechanism, and ensuring responsible fund management, the RBI contributes to a more financially inclusive and responsible society. As individuals become more informed about the existence of unclaimed deposits, they can take proactive steps to retrieve their dormant funds and contribute to their financial well-being.


1. What is the UDGAM Portal introduced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)?

The UDGAM Portal is an online platform launched by the RBI to help individuals locate and claim their unclaimed deposits or accounts across different banks.

2. Why is the UDGAM Portal significant?

The UDGAM Portal simplifies the process of finding and accessing dormant funds, promoting financial transparency and inclusion by making it easier for individuals to retrieve their unclaimed deposits.

3. How can individuals use the UDGAM Portal?

Individuals can register on the UDGAM Portal using their personal information. After registration, they can log in and use the portal’s search mechanism to find any unclaimed deposits associated with their name or account number

4. What impact does the UDGAM Portal have on financial awareness?

The UDGAM Portal promotes financial awareness by making individuals more conscious of unclaimed funds they might have. This encourages responsible financial management and reduces the likelihood of funds becoming dormant.

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