Want to Swap Your Credit Card Outstanding with a Personal Loan? Keep These Things in Mind

Want to Swap Your Credit Card Outstanding with a Personal Loan? Keep These Things in Mind

Last Updated : March 29, 2022, 2:41 p.m.

The habit of reckless credit card shopping takes most into the revolving credit zone and puts them under the massive interest burden of somewhere around 30%-45% per annum. When the due amount becomes unbearable, one looks to switch the balance to the credit card of another bank. Yes, this deal gives you an interest-free period of 45-60 days. Afterward, if you keep revolving credit by paying the due partially, the outstanding will notch high. The best way to get rid of the credit card debt is via a personal loan as the latter can be availed at an interest rate of around 11%-18% p.a. But the script may not go the way you desire! Banks can reject the application to swap your credit card debt with a personal loan citing various reasons. So, what are those reasons? Let’s find out here.

Rejection Fear Mounts If the Credit Card Outstanding is More than 4-5 Times Your Income

Most banks will deny swapping your credit card debt with a personal loan if the former is more than 4-5 times of your income. With income. it means take-home earnings. Only a few lenders will raise hands in such a situation. So, you need to ensure the outstanding remains within the prescribed limit by keeping a lid on unnecessary spends.

Swapping Virtually Impossible If the Repayment Track Shows a Series of Payment Skips

If you make injudicious spends with your credit card , there could be a time when you struggle to pay even the minimum due, which constitutes around 5% of the outstanding balance in a billing cycle. This could force you to skip the payment. If that happens frequently, your application to swap the credit card outstanding with a personal loan can be rejected by the lender.

Multiple Applications Can Make It Even Tougher

Call it ignorance or any other, you could apply for such a deal at various lenders hoping to get a nod from at least one. But with multiple applications, there will be multiple credit enquiries from lenders, reducing the credit score considerably. And, if the credit score was on a tricky ground before the applications, chances of rejection will only increase.

Credit Card Interest Rates of Top Lenders (Applicable to Revolving Credit)

Top BanksInterest Charges (In Per Annum)
SBI Card30% to 40.2%
HDFC Bank23.88% to 41.88%
ICICI Bank29.88% to 42%
American Express42.00%
Axis Bank34.49% to 49.36%
Standard Chartered Bank37.20% to 41.88%

Benefits of Swapping Credit Card Debt with a Personal Loan

  • The repayment becomes easy with lower rates of personal loans . Not only the monthly obligations (EMI) come down but also the interest over the loan tenure
  • The ease in repayment will help you pay on time and boost your credit score, making you eligible for future credits
  • With lesser debt obligations, you’ll get the window to spend a little extra
  • You can repay the loan in flexible tenures ranging from 12-60 months

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