In most situations, fuel credit cards are a solid option. Fuel expenses now make up a significant portion of our monthly spending due to increased prices. To determine whether there is a fuel credit card that can offer practical benefits, we must search the market. This fuel card would work well with your current credit cards.
Credit Card
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The Axis Bank IndianOil Credit Card offers additional discounts on other spending and fuel costs. The fuel credit card has a long list of advantages and features, including discounts on all fuel-related costs, expedited reward points, and fee exemptions. In addition to this, the card offers advantages in a variety of other areas. An IndianOil Axis Bank Credit Card review is provided below.
Eligibility Criteria for Axis Bank IndianOil Credit Card
The following are the qualifying conditions that candidates must meet to be authorised for the Axis Bank IndianOil Credit Card :
- The cardholder must be an NRI or an Indian resident.
- The age of the primary cardholder must be between 18 and 70.
- The cardholder(s) for an add-on account must be older than 15.
Benefits of Axis Bank IndianOil Credit Card
The Axis Bank IndianOil Credit Card is a fantastic alternative with the benefits listed below:
- The cardholders will receive 4% of their gasoline purchases back as value. For every Rs. 100 spent at any IOCL shop, the bank will award 20 reward points. The promotion is available for monthly gasoline purchases between Rs. 100 and Rs. 5,000.
- Receive five reward points for every Rs. 100 spent on e-commerce purchases to receive 1% value back. This promotion is only suitable for online purchases between Rs. 100 and Rs. 5,000.
- You will get a welcome bonus of 100% cash back on all your fuel transactions with the credit card, up to Rs. 250. The transactions must be completed 30 days after the card is issued.
- All gasoline purchases you make at IndianOil Corporation Limited petrol stations nationwide will earn you accelerated reward points.
- For every Rs. 100 you spend on gas, you will get 20 reward points.
- Accelerated reward point purchases must be made for a minimum of Rs. 100 and a maximum of Rs. 5,000.
- Additionally, if you use this card, you will not be charged the 1% fuel fee on any monthly transactions between Rs. 200 and Rs. 5,000.
- This credit card will give you a 1% value back on your shopping purchases through accelerated reward points.
- You will gain five reward points on your credit card for every Rs. 100 you spend.
- The minimum and maximum purchase amounts to qualify for the expedited reward points are 100 and 5,000 rupees.
- One EDGE reward point will be awarded for every Rs. 100 spent on the card.
- These reward points may be used to buy various goods from the Axis Bank rewards catalogue.
- With Axis Bank IndianOil Credit Card, you are eligible for the Dining Delights programme, which offers discounts at partner restaurants of Axis Bank of up to 15%.
- The Axis Bank IndianOil Credit Card also offers entertainment incentives, including an immediate discount on cinema tickets purchased through BookMyShow.
- Applying the offer from the ‘offer’ area during payment is required to receive the discount.
Limitations Of Axis Bank IndianOil Credit Card
Although this credit card can help you save money on fuel costs, it’s possible that this isn’t the card you’re searching for. Take a look at some of the restrictions for this card before applying:
- The cap on the fuel surcharge waiver is modest and relatively comparable to any other category-specific credit card.
- Once again, the only places to get discounted fuel are IndianOil locations.
How to Apply for the Axis Bank IndianOil Credit Card
The IndianOil Axis Bank application may be submitted online or offline at the applicant’s convenience. Simply visit the Axis Bank location that is most convenient to apply offline by filling out a paper application. And if you wish to apply online, follow these steps:
- Select the Apply Now option.
- Choose “Cards” and then “Credit Cards” under the heading “Explore Products.”
- Select the Axis Bank IndianOil Credit Card by finding it.
- Apply online by clicking the link and continuing as necessary.
As you can see, the Axis Bank IndianOil Credit Card provides significant discounts on fuel purchases with a value-back offer and a waiver of the fuel levy. You must first estimate your gasoline costs to get the most out of this card. You are fully equipped to decide whether or not this credit card is a good option for you now that you know all the information about it.
1. What is the credit card's annual membership fee?
The Axis Bank IndianOil Credit Card has an Rs. 500 initiation charge.
2. Where may this credit card's reward points be used?
You may use the rewards catalogue on Axis Bank’s website or mobile app to redeem your reward points.
3. What is a waiver of the fuel surcharge?
For all purchases made with this card, the fuel fee, equal to 1% of your gasoline purchase amount, is waived. The lowest purchase value is Rs. 200, and the highest is Rs. 5,000 to qualify for this waiver.
4. What paperwork must be provided to apply for an IndianOil Axis Bank credit card?
You must provide scanned copies of your PAN card, Aadhar card, passport, government-issued photo identification, driver’s licence, utility bills, most recent Form 16, and other documents to be considered for the IndianOil Axis Bank Credit Card.
5. How can I apply for an Axis Bank IndianOil Credit Card?
Online and offline applications for the Axis Bank IndianOil Credit Card are accepted. You must go to the bank’s official website and complete the online application form to apply for the card online. On the other hand, if you apply for a credit card offline, you must visit the Axis Bank office closest to you to speak with a bank representative about the process.